Here’s 10 Simple Tips on How You Can Save Money on Car Repairs…
The longer you drive a car, the more expensive it gets to maintain. That shouldn’t be surprising....
Exciting news for 2020!
Your car can get that much needed service or repair, while keeping your New Year budget intact....
Vanessa Marawa’s steamy afternoon could have her in hot water! Premier Auto Services e-CAR to the rescue!
A steamy afternoon could land you up in hot water! Be sure to check your car if you find any...
Is your car noisy? You shouldnt ignore it, she could be out of time!
Don’t ignore unusual sounds that come from your car! The timing chain in your car’s engine is to...
A Training workshop conducted by Premier Auto Services e-CAR with the Key Of Hope SA Foundation
A training workshop conducted by Premier Auto Services e-CAR that teaches young drivers at the...
Avoid festive season car trouble – VUMA FM RADIO INTERVIEW
Yugan Munsamy the CEO of Premier Auto Services e-CAR talks to us about some important Festive...